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Ou voulait aller Bartolomeu Dias?

Où voulait aller Bartolomeu Dias?

Dias cherchait une autre voie vers l’Inde pour y trouver des épices et les ramener en Europe. La route terrestre de la soie, par laquelle venaient ces épices, n’était plus accessible depuis la prise de Constantinople par les Turcs.

Quelle découverte importante Doit-on à Bartolomeu Dias?

Bartolomeu Dias est un navigateur portugais boudé par l’histoire des Grandes Découvertes. C’est pourtant lui qui, au cours d’une tempête, franchit le Cap de Bonne-Espérance, apportant la preuve d’une route maritime vers les Indes.

Why was Bartolomeu Dias famous for?

Bartolomeu Dias was famous because he explored and he was the first European to sail around the southernmost tip of Africa. He even has a statue of himself in London. Results of the exploration. He got to name a Bay and he became well known for being the first european to explore the southernmost tip of Africa.

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What was the goals of Bartolomeu Dias?

Bartolomeu Dias. A major maritime victory for Portugal, Dias’ breakthrough opened the door to increased trade with India and other Asian powers. It also prompted Genoan explorer Christopher Columbus (1451-1506), then living in Portugal, to seek a new royal patron for a mission to establish his own sea route to the Far East .

Which is something Bartolomeu Dias was known for?

Bartholomew Diaz Quick Facts Bartholomew Diaz was a Portuguese explorer. Very little is known about Bartholomew Diaz prior to his historic voyage around the southern tip of Africa in 1487 except for the facts that he was a superintendent of In 1488, he became the first European to sail around the southern tip of Africa; called the Cape of Good Hope.

What were some of Bartolomeu Dias accomplishments?

Bartolomeu Dias was the first European navigator to sail around the southern tip of South Africa. He also accompanied Vasco da Gama part of the way (until the Cape Verde Islands) on a 1498 expedition to India.

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