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Comment definir un brevet?

Comment définir un brevet?

Un brevet est un titre qui protège une invention technique. Il vous confère le droit, pendant une durée maximale de 20 ans, d’exclure tout tiers de l’utilisation de votre invention à des fins industrielles.

Quel est le synonyme de brevet?

certificat, certification, diplôme, homologation, lettres de créance[Hyper.] brevet d’invention[ClasseHyper.]

Quel est le but d’un dépôt de brevet?

Qu’est-ce qu’un brevet? Le brevet est un acte officiel de propriété industrielle qui accorde un monopole d’exploitation au demandeur sur son invention sur le territoire français pour 20 ans au maximum. Le fait de déposer un brevet interdit toute exploitation de cette dernière sans autorisation.

What does the name brevet mean?

Brevet (noun) a commission giving an officer higher rank than that for which he receives pay; an honorary promotion of an officer. Brevet (verb) to confer rank upon by brevet. Brevet (adj) taking or conferring rank by brevet; as, a brevet colonel; a brevet commission.

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What does brevets mean?

Brevet (military) In many of the world’s military establishments, a brevet (/brəˈvɛt/ ( listen) or /ˈbrɛvɪt/ ( listen)) was a warrant giving a commissioned officer a higher rank title as a reward for gallantry or meritorious conduct, but without conferring the authority, precedence, or pay of real rank.

What does brevet mean in French?

In France, a brevet is a very broad-meaning word which includes every document giving a capacity to a person. For instance, the various military speciality courses, such as military parachutism , are ended by the award of a brevet. The more important brevet in the French military is the one of the École de guerre, the French Staff College.

What does brevet rank mean?

Brevet, form of military commission formerly used in the U.S. and British armies. Under the system in which an officer was customarily promoted within his regiment or corps, a brevet conferred upon him a rank in the army at large higher than that held in his corps.

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