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Comment est la musique baroque?

Comment est la musique baroque?

baroque. La musique baroque est un genre musical qui correspond également à une période, celle du XVIIe au XVIIIe siècle. Elle se caractérise par une grande expressivité, l’importance des ornements et du contrepoint. Généralement, un groupe de solistes se détachent de l’orchestre.

Quel est l’origine du mot baroque?

Le mot baroque viendrait d’ailleurs du terme portugais barroco employé pour désigner des perles aux formes étonnantes ou imparfaites. C’est un art triomphateur qui rejette l’austérité et l’humilité.

Qui est l’inventeur du baroque?

Le terme « baroque » vient du portugais « barroco » qui signifie « perle irrégulière ». Les idées germinales du baroque se retrouvent dans le travail de Michel-Ange. Le style baroque débute aux alentours de 1580.

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What music types are there in Baroque?

Composers of the Period

  • Monody. A monody is a single voice line supported by an instrumental bass line,upon which chords were constructed.
  • Early Opera. The first opera was written in 1597,called ‘Dafne’,and was composed by Peri.
  • The Italian Overture.
  • The French Overture.
  • Baroque Opera in England.
  • Oratorio.
  • Passion.
  • Cantata.
  • Instrumental Music.
  • What was the Baroque ideal in music?

    The Baroque sound ideal is a florid treble over a solid bass with inconsequential interior filler. Most Baroque music has a « horizontal » conception: the emphasis is on the voices moving across time, not on a series of harmonies (a « vertical » conception).

    What does Baroque music sound like?

    Baroque music had a melody, as did music in the past. Older music usually only had the single melody and that was it. Not many background parts and hardly any harmony. Baroque music usually focused on a soloist, sometimes vocal, sometimes instrumental, and give them a main melody.

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    How is Baroque music similar to classical music?

    What are the similarities between Baroque and classical music? Instrumentation. Both time periods made heavy use of singers, string instruments, and woodwind instruments. Brass instruments mainly occurred in solos in the Baroque period and later became part of the orchestra in the Classical period.