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Pourquoi Kratos tue sa femme et sa fille?

Pourquoi Kratos tué sa femme et sa fille?

Un guerrier spartiate, né à Sparta, Kratos était un soldat respecté et général jusqu’à ce qu’il perde sa femme et fille à cause de la tromperie d’Arès, qu’il servait alors. Zeus le trahit ensuite, Kratos survit et décide de prendre sa revanche sur le Dieu des Dieux, libérant au passage les maux sur la Terre.

Qui a tué Kratos?

Odin l’envoie tuer Kratos et capturer Atreus mais aussi enquêter sur Laufey. Freya est une déesse Vanir qui aide Kratos et Atreus durant leur voyage.

Qui est la femme d’Arès?

Chez Hésiode et les poètes postérieurs, Arès et Aphrodite sont présentés comme un couple légitime. Aphrodite donne à Arès trois enfants : Déimos, Phobos et Harmonie, épouse de Cadmos, le fondateur de Thèbes.

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What did Athena do to Kratos?

After the death of both Deimos and Thanatos, Athena came out of a Portal, she told him that his ties to the Mortal World were severed and that he was ready to be a God. She then attempted to empower Kratos to full Godhood, but Kratos refused however, and swore that the Gods would pay for the pain that they had caused him and his family.

Did Athena know Kratos was still alive after Zeus’betrayal?

It was also interesting to note that Athena knew that Kratos was still alive after Zeus’ betrayal when all of the others had believed him to be dead. That showed that she was aware of his capabilities and continued to watch over him even after his dethronement as God of War.

Is Kratos a god of war?

Now the new God of War, Kratos is considered a god with extraordinary abilities. Known as both the Goddess of War and Wisdom, Athena is depicted as a noble goddess in most of the God of War games. In fact, she appears in the original God of War as Kratos’ guide and co-conspirator in killing Ares.

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Who is Athena in God of war?

Athena was the Olympian Goddess of Wisdom and War, and serves as the overall deuteragonist-turned-final antagonist of the Greek Era of God of War Series, who mostly appeared as an ally of Kratos .