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Quel age a Fifi Brindacier?

Quel âge a Fifi Brindacier?

Fifi Brindacier fête ses 75 ans.

Qui jouait le rôle de Fifi Brindacier?

Inger Nilsson (Karin Inger Monika Nilsson), née le 4 mai 1959 à Kisa, province d’Östergötland, est une actrice suédoise connue pour avoir joué Fifi Brindacier dans la série télévisée du même nom (tirée des livres d’Astrid Lindgren) aux côtés de Maria Persson et Pär Sundberg à la fin des années 1960.

Quel âge a Fifi Brindacier en 2021?

Fifi Brindacier a environ 77 ans.

Comment est Fifi Brindacier?

Fifi Brindacier est une drôle de petite fille rousse au visage constellé de taches de rousseur, intrépide, joyeuse et dotée d’une force incroyable. Fille d’un pirate des mers du Sud, elle vit seule dans une grande maison en compagnie de son singe, Monsieur Dupont, et de son cheval, Oncle Alfred.

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What is the movie Pippi Longstocking about?

Pippi Longstocking (1969) Pippi Longstocking, a super-strong redheaded little girl, moves into her father’s cottage Villa Villekulla, and has adventures with her next-door neighbors Tommy and Annika in this compilation film of the classic Swedish TV series.

Who is the creator of Pippi Longstocking?

(instrumental) Pippi Longstocking is an animated television series produced by AB Svensk Filmindustri, TaurusFilm, TFC Trickompany Filmproduktion, and Nelvana based on the book series drawn and written by Swedish author Astrid Lindgren. This was the first time that the popular character had been animated.

How many seasons of Pippi Longstocking are there?

The series aired for two seasons, with 26 half-hour episodes being made in total. Pippi Longstocking arrives in a small Swedish town to take up residence in Villa Villekulla with her companions, Horse and Mr. Nilsson (a monkey).

What is Pippi Långstrump about?

Pippi Långstrump (original title) G | 1h 39min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama | 9 May 1969 (West Germany) Pippi Longstocking, a super-strong redheaded little girl, moves into her father’s house Villa Villekulla, and has adventures with her next-door neighbors Tommy and Annika in this compilation film of the classic European TV series.

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