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Quel est le nom de famille du biographe de Sherlock Holmes?

Quel est le nom de famille du biographe de Sherlock Holmes?

Conan est l’un de ses prénoms et Doyle son nom de famille….Arthur Conan Doyle.

Nom de naissance Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle
Naissance 22 mai 1859 Édimbourg (Royaume-Uni)
Décès 7 juillet 1930 Crowborough (Royaume-Uni)
Nationalité britannique
Activité principale Romancier, nouvelliste, médecin

Quel a été le premier travail d’Arthur Conan Doyle?

Ses débuts d’écrivain avec Sherlock Holmes Conan Doyle n’arrête pas pour autant sa carrière de médecin. Il s’installe à Londres en 1891 pour ouvrir son cabinet d’ophtalmologie qui ne rencontre pas le succès escompté. L’écriture vient à la rescousse de sa carrière difficile de médecin.

Who is Sherlock Holmes?

Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character created by Arthur Conan Doyle in 1887. He is an English consulting detective living in London at 221b Baker Street. At first Arthur Conan Doyle named the detective as Sherrinford Holmes (not Sherrin g ford as he wrongly mentioned in his auto-biography Memories…

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Who dedicated the adventures of Sherlock Holmes to Dr Bell?

Conan Doyle dedicated The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes to Dr. Bell, who gave credit to the author for Sherlock Holmes’s genius: “You are yourself Sherlock Holmes and well you know it,” he wrote him.

Who was Sherlock Holmes inspired by?

It is commonly agreed that the character traits of Sherlock Holmes were inspired by Dr. Joseph Bell, one of the teachers at the medical school of Edinburgh University. Arthur Doyle was seventeen years old when he first met Dr. Joseph Bell, who was then thirty-nine.

Who was the author of portrait of Sherlock Holmes?

Portrait of Sherlock Holmes by Sidney Paget inspired by his younger brother Bernard Partridges cartoon for Punch in 1926 depicting Conan Doyle being taken over by his character
