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Quel est le sens du suffixe erie?

Quel est le sens du suffixe erie?

« Le suffixe — ERIE a servi à former [au départ] des noms désignant des industries artisanales : AMIDONNERIE, DAMAS- QUINERIE, ÉPERONNERIE, FICELLERIE, etc. La disparition de ces industries a entraîné l’affaiblissement du suffixe », lit-on à la page 52 de la GRAMMAIRE LAROUSSE DU FRANÇAIS CONTEMPORAIN (1).

Quel est le suffixe du mot serviable?

en -able/-ible, de même que les verbes trans. indir.

Quel est le masculin de serviable?

Qui aime à rendre service, qui rend service, aidant….Adjectif.

Singulier Pluriel
Masculin et féminin serviable serviables

Quel est le synonyme de serviabilité?

Qui est toujours prêt à rendre service. Synon. complaisant, obligeant.

What words end with able?

Here are some common words ending in -ible: illegible; responsible; eligible; incredible; reversible; invincible; suggestible; contemptible; feasible; negligible; susceptible; convertible; flexible; ostensible; tangible; gullible; terrible; horrible; plausible.

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What are some words with the suffix able?

The suffix « -ble, » in words such as « soluble, » is a variation of « -able, » meaning « capable of, » or « fit for. ». Another variant is « -ible. ». -able is used to form adjectives with any type of root, – ible is more often used in words directly from Latin or modeled after Latin.

What words end in able?

Words ending in -able. Here are some common words that end in -able: likeable; peaceable; debatable; pleasurable; adaptable; inimitable; capable; adorable; desirable; justifiable; preferable; disposable; knowledgeable; amiable; durable; laughable; fashionable; reliable; excitable; lovable; believable; excusable; manageable; serviceable; measurable;

What does able mean suffix?

a suffix meaning “capable of, susceptible of, fit for, tending to, given to,” associated in meaning with the word able, occurring in loanwords from Latin (laudable); used in English as a highly productive suffix to form adjectives by addition to stems of any origin (teachable; photographable).