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Quel est le vrai nom de Peter Parker?

Quel est le vrai nom de Peter Parker?

Peter Parker (Terre-616)

Nom réel: Peter Benjamin Parker
Surnom actuel: Spider-Man

Comment s’appelle le meilleur ami de Peter Parker?

1) #31 en décembre 1965. Fils de Norman Osborn, meilleur ami de Peter Parker (Spider-Man) et père de Normie Osborn et de Stanley Osborn, Harry Osborn est la deuxième incarnation du super-vilain nommé le Bouffon vert. Dans ses histoires, il est aussi présenté comme un super-héros.

Quel âge a Peter Parker dans Spider-man 1?

Grâce à Jon Watts, le réalisateur attitré du film solo de Spider-Man, qui a révélé l’information lors d’une interview pour Empire, nous avons donc appris que notre homme-araignée préféré aura donc… 15 ans ! « Il a juste 15 ans. « , nous dit donc directement le metteur en scène.

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Quel âge a Peter Parker maintenant?

Who is Peter Parker?

Sometimes student, sometimes scientist and sometimes photographer, Peter Parker is a full-time super hero better known as the web-slinging and wall-crawling Spider-Man. An orphaned child, Peter was raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May.

Why did Peter Parker ask Doctor Strange for help?

With Spider-Man’s identity now revealed, Peter asks Doctor Strange for help. When a spell goes wrong, dangerous foes from other worlds start to appear, forcing Peter to discover what it trul… Read all With Spider-Man’s identity now revealed, Peter asks Doctor Strange for help.

Why did Peter Parker retire from Spider-Man?

Shortly afterward, Mary Jane became pregnant, and the apparent revelation that Ben was the original Peter Parker and Peter the clone prompted Peter to retire from Spider-Man and relocate to Portland . « Peter! I’m really Gwen… Aren’t I? »

What are the disadvantages of Peter Parker?

Bad Luck: Not exactly a flaw or a disadvantage in his crime-fighting, Peter Parker’s life is generally a complicated one. Peter has been forced on numerous occasions to lie to people close to him, be late in his commitments, get away from people, and so on for the sake of his secret identity.

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