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Qui sont les parents de Marie-Antoinette?
Marie-Thérèse d’Autriche
François Ier
Marie-Antoinette d’Autriche/Parents
Comment s’appelle la mère de Marie-Antoinette?
Marie-Antoinette d’Autriche/Mères
Qui a été Marie-Antoinette?
1755-1793. Son frère, l’empereur Joseph II, la décrit comme « aimable et honnête » : Marie-Antoinette, princesse autrichienne et épouse de Louis XVI, demeure l’un des personnages les plus emblématiques de l’histoire de Versailles. Elle arrive à la cour de France alors qu’elle n’est âgée que de quinze ans.
Quel surnom lié à ses origines A-t-on donné à Marie-Antoinette?
Elle fut surnommée « l’Autrichienne » dès son arrivée à Versailles.
Comment visiter le Hameau de la Reine?
L’accès au Hameau de la Reine se fait par l’entrée de l’un des deux Trianons. En haute saison : de 12h00 à 18h30 (dernière admission à 18h00) du mardi au dimanche sauf certains jours fériés ou lors de cérémonies officielles.
What were Marie Antoinette’s accomplishments?
Marie Antoinette. One of Marie Antoinette’s major accomplishments was marrying King Louis XVI because that was how she became the queen of France. Also, Marie Antoinette became queen in 1774 at the same time that Louis XVI became king. She is also famous for being beheaded by the guillotine for betraying France.
What is the execution of Marie Antoinette?
The Execution of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France. Above: Marie Antoinette, 1783. On this day in history, 16 October 1793, the thirty-eight year old Marie Antoinette, former Archduchess of Austria and more famously queen of France as consort of Louis XVI, was executed during the bloody and brutal French Revolution then ravaging the country.
What is the history of Marie Antoinette?
Marie Antoinette (1755-1793) was the wife of Louis XVI and the Queen of France between 1774 and 1792. Popular accounts have painted Antoinette as a disruptive and despised figure. If folklore is to be believed, she was almost single-handedly responsible for inciting the French Revolution .
What time period did Marie Antoinette live in?
Marie Antoinette was born on November 2, 1755, in Vienna, Austria. Antoinette was the fifteenth child of Emperor Francis I and the Holy Roman Empress Maria Theresa. However, Marie Antoinette is most remembered throughout history for being the Queen of France from 1774–1792.