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Est-ce que Neji meurt dans la saison 5?

Est-ce que Néji meurt dans la saison 5?

Pendant que les autres poursuivent Sasuke et les ninjas d’Oto, Neji utilise la technique du Poing souple : Kidômaru doit trouver son point faible pour le contrer. Kidômaru change de tactique et fabrique un arc et des flèches pour tirer en direction de l’angle mort de Neji.

Comment Naruto bat Néji?

Neji jure à Naruto qu’il va perdre. Naruto rétorque que le destin ne dicte pas l’issue du combat. Neji frappe alors Naruto, qui tombe au sol. Mais il refuse de rester couché ou de retirer ce qu’il a dit, donnant à Neji une impression de déjà-vu alors qu’il se rappelle les derniers mots de Hinata lors de leur match.

Qui est le rival de Néji?

Neji et Tenten rejoignent Lee et voient leur maître Gaï, malade, défier en combat son rival Kakashi Hatake.

Qui va gagner entre Hinata et Néji?

Cependant Hinata fait preuve d’une résistance hors du commun malgrès ses hémoragies internes. Neji gagnera ce amtch mais Hinata a réussit à vaincre sa timidité dans ce combat. Le tome 9 s’achève sur l’annonce du prochain combat: Gaara ve Rock Lee.

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How did Neji find out about Hizashi?

After Neji lost to Naruto Uzumaki, and seemed to have found himself at a crossroads in his life from Naruto’s words, Hiashi decided to tell him about the circumstances surrounding Hizashi’s death. Although Neji did not initially believe him, Hiashi’s bowing to him for forgiveness showed him that it was true.

Who is Hi Hiashi?

Hiashi was born only seconds before his twin brother Hizashi, making Hiashi the head of the Hyūga clan and Hizashi a member of the branch house, whose only purpose in life would be to protect members of the main house.

When did Hiashi make his debut?

Hiashi made his first début in Kurenai’s flashback, when she was watching Hinata’s and Neji’s match in the preliminary matches of the Chūnin Exams. Hiashi debuted for the first time (in person) with Hanabi, watching Neji’s match during the final rounds.

Who does Hiashi stand behind before the start of the tournament?

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Indiscriminate Grand Melee Tournament Meeting!!, Hiashi stands behind his youngest daughter Hanabi Hyūga before the start of the event. (To the invading Suna and Oto shinobi)  » The Hyūga clan is the strongest in Konoha. Remember it well.
