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Ou est nee Jacques-Louis David?

Où est née Jacques-Louis David?

30 août 1748, Paris
Jacques-Louis David/Date/Lieu de naissance

Qui a peint la mort de Marat?

Jacques-Louis David
La Mort de Marat/Artistes
du 13 juillet 1793. Marie anne Charlotte Corday au citoyen Marat. Il suffit que je sois bien malheureuse pour avoir droit à votre bienveillance. La Mort de Marat (ou Marat assassiné) est un tableau de Jacques-Louis David peint en 1793.

Qui est présent au Serment du Jeu de paume?

Le serment du Jeu de Paume est l’engagement solennel d’union pris le 20 juin 1789 à la salle du Jeu de paume, à Versailles, par 300 députés du tiers état, auxquels s’associent certains députés du clergé et de la noblesse lors des États généraux de 1789.

What style of painting did Jacques Louis David use?

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Born in 1748 in Paris, France, Jacques-Louis David became a painter of great renown as his style of history painting helped end the frivolity of the Rococo period, moving art back to the realm of classical austerity.

When was Jacques Louis David born?

Jacques-Louis David, (born Aug. 30, 1748, Paris, France—died Dec. 29, 1825, Brussels , Belg.), the most celebrated French artist of his day and a principal exponent of the late 18th-century Neoclassical reaction against the Rococo style. David won wide acclaim with his huge canvases on classical themes (e.g., Oath of the Horatii , 1784).

What is the art style of Jacques Louis David?

Jacques-Louis David was a 19th century painter who is considered to be the principal proponent of the Neoclassical style, which moved art briskly away from the previous Rococo period. His most famous works include  » The Death of Marat  » and  » Napoleon Crossing the Alps . ».

Who is Jack Louis David?

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Jacques-Louis David (30 August 1748 – 29 December 1825) was both a politician and an artist who lived during the French Revolution .