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Ou se trouvent les iles Galapagos?

Où se trouvent les îles Galapagos?

L’archipel des Galápagos est situé à environ 1.000 km des côtes de l’Équateur et est composé de 127 îles, îlots et rochers, dont 19 sont de grande taille et 4 sont inhabités. 97\% du total de la surface émergée (7.665.100 hectares) a été déclaré Parc national en 1959.

Quel pays les îles Galápagos sont rattachées?

L’Équateur a officiellement annexé l’archipel des îles Galápagos en 1832. Environ un siècle plus tard, les îles n’étaient habitées que par quelques colons et ont été utilisées en tant que colonies pénitentiaires, qui furent fermées en 1959. L’archipel est officiellement devenu un parc national en 1959.

What hotels are in the Galapagos Islands?

Galapagos Islands Hotels. Arguably the nicest hotel in the Galapagos, Finch Bay Eco Hotel is an upscale, 27-room property with excellent amenities. An architectural stunner, Finch Bay seamlessly blends with its incredible surroundings, and has distinct bragging rights as the only beachfront hotel in Puerto Ayora .

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How many Galapagos Islands are there in the world?

The Galapagos Archipelago comprises 13 large islands, 6 small islands, 42 islets and a number of small rocks and pinnacles, which make up a total land surface of 8,000km2. The Galapagos Islands, located on the equator about 1000km (600m) west of Ecuador , were never part of mainland South America.

How do you visit the Galapagos Islands?

Visits to most of the islands aren’t allowed without a guide licensed with the Galapagos National Park. You can book day trips to some of the islands from the main tourist hub of Puerto Ayora in Santa Cruz, but taking a cruise on a small yacht is the best way to see the more remote islands and wildlife in the Galapagos.

Do the Galapagos Islands have a flag?

Galapagos Islands Flag: The Galapagos Islands are a territory of Ecuador. Its flag is a tricolor combination of green, white and blue. It is believed that the flag was first hoisted for the San Christobal Republic in 1851, on the island of San Christobal, long before the islands become a province in 1973, and subsequently a territory of Ecuador.

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