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Pourquoi Danzo a des bandages?

Pourquoi Danzo à des bandages?

Pour protéger les Sharingan de son bras, Danzô possédait un sceau représenté sous la forme de pièces métalliques vissées autour de son bras.

Pourquoi Danzo vole l’œil de Shisui?

Alors que Danzô utilisa l’œil qu’il lui avait volé pour servir ses projets, largement discutables, afin de protéger le village, Itachi garda précieusement l’autre œil pour honorer les dernières volontés de son ami : protéger Konoha et guider le clan vers la paix.

Quand Obito enlève son masque?

Naruto : Episode 343, Obito démasqué !

Est-ce que Danzo est fort?

Du coup pour le recap on voit que danzo est tres puissant grâce : Son tres bon niveau futon avec des techniques comme futon la boule de vent ou futon lame de vent.

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Pourquoi shisui s’est suicidé?

Au moment du massacre de son clan, se retrouvant face à Sasuke, Itachi lui dit avoir tué Shisui pour activer son propre Kaléidoscope hypnotique du Sharingan pour se noircir aux yeux de son frère.

Why does Obito want to kill Danzo?

Being an Uchiha himself, Obito would have a vested interest in seeing Danzo obliterated. He possesses the strength of both the Sharingan and Pain’s rinnegan, compensating for Danzo’s numerous eyes.

Is Danzo a cool old guy?

Danzo is a cool old guy in this scenario. How does Danzo die in Naruto? During his fight with Sasuke after exhausting all ten of his sharingan in his right arm using a technique known as the izanagi, Danzo had one final move to defeat Sasuke and Obito.

How did Danzo die in Naruto?

Danzo killed himself by blowing himself up. He died after the Battle with Sasuke, after he tried to seal Sasuke using a kind of sealing jutsu ”Reverse Four Symbols Seal”. in a failed attempt to take Sasuke with him too. , Knows a thing or two about Naruto.

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Why did Danzo have to release the Izanagi?

When Danzo captured Karin his plan was to hold her hostage in hopes of getting Sasuke to surrender. He then in return would put Obito under the kotoamatsukami. In order to use the kotoamatsukami Danzo had to release the izanagi. Releasing the izanagi would be the beginning of the end for Danzo.