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Pourquoi Loki ne meurt pas dans Thor 2?

Pourquoi Loki ne meurt pas dans Thor 2?

À la fin de Thor 2, Loki se sacrifie apparemment pour son frère, mais il a survécu à la mort en plongeant dans l’un des nombreux portails qu’il savait pouvoir trouver sur Yggdrasil. Il a rejoint Thor dans la bataille contre les Elfes noirs, semblant se racheter, mais il est mort en sauvant son frère de Kurse.

Comment Loki a survécu dans Infinity War?

Loki peut revenir après sa mort dans Avengers: Infinity War en révélant que Thanos a tué une projection. Dans l’épisode 5 de l’émission télévisée, Classic Loki dit qu’il a survécu au combat contre Thanos en projetant une projection de lui-même « si réel, même le Mad Titan l’a cru ».

Did Kid Loki kill his brother Thor?

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Loki revealed that the variant Kid Loki had killed his brother Thor prior to being introduced, raising the question of why he did so when the staple MCU Loki never did. Loki introduced a dazzling variety of Gods of Mischief into the show, ranging from Alligator Loki to a replica of the original comic version of the character.

Is Thor in love with Loki?

Instead, the main relationship of the movie seems to be between Thor and Loki, and not between Thor and the main love interest. Chris Hemsworth’s muscled and no nonsense Thor is the perfect antithesis to Tom Hiddleston’s lean and playful Loki. As the movies progress, it is always interesting to see how the two interact and play off each other.

What happens to Loki when Odin dies in Ragnarok?

After Odin rejects Loki’s pleas for approval, Loki kidnaps and imitates Odin, which we can see in Thor: Ragnarok. However, despite Loki’s anger, when Odin passes away, Loki sheds a tear for his adoptive father alongside his brother.

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Why did Loki impersonate Odin?

Odin often favored Thor over Loki, which led to resentment from the latter. When Loki found out that he was adopted, this resentment got out of control and he attempted to become ruler of Asgard. After Odin rejects Loki’s pleas for approval, Loki kidnaps and imitates Odin, which we can see in Thor: Ragnarok.