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Quel est le departement du Cameroun?

Quel est le département du Cameroun?

Les départements du Cameroun sont les suivants (par région) : Adamaoua : Djérem – Faro-et-Déo – Mayo-Banyo – Mbéré – Vina. Centre : Haute-Sanaga – Lekié – Mbam-et-Inoubou – Mbam-et-Kim – Méfou-et-Afamba – Méfou-et-Akono – Mfoundi – Nyong-et-Kellé – Nyong-et-Mfoumou – Nyong-et-So’o.

Quel sont les 10 Région du Cameroun et leur chef-lieu?

La république du Cameroun compte dix régions administratives qui sont les suivantes (avec leur chef-lieu): au nord, l’Extrême-Nord (Maroua), le Nord (Garoua), l’Adamaoua (Ngaoundéré); à l’ouest, le Nord-Ouest (Bamenda), le Sud-Ouest (Buea), l’Ouest (Bafoussam) et le Littoral (Douala); au sud, le Centre (Yaoundé), l’Est …

Quels sont les arrondissements du centre Cameroun?


  • Haute-Sanaga.
  • Lekié
  • Mbam-et-Inoubou.
  • Mbam-et-Kim.
  • Méfou-et-Afamba.
  • Méfou-et-Akono.
  • Mfoundi.
  • Nyong-et-Kéllé

What languages are spoken in Cameroon?

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Cameroon is home to nearly 250 languages. These include 55 Afro-Asiatic languages, 2 Nilo-Saharan languages, 4 Ubangian languages, and 169 Niger–Congo languages. This latter group comprises 1 Senegambian language (Fulfulde), 28 Adamawa languages , and 142 Benue–Congo languages (130 of which are Bantu languages).

What is Cameroon known for?

Cameroon is famous for the production of coffee beans, cocoa, cotton, oilseeds and bananas. In 2014, Cameroon was the first African country to make it to the quarterfinals of the soccer World Cup .

How many people live in Cameroon?

Cameroon Population (LIVE) retrieving data… The current population of Cameroon is 25,064,590 as of Monday, February 11, 2019, based on the latest United Nations estimates. Cameroon population is equivalent to 0.33\% of the total world population.

What is the national animal of Cameroon?

Leave a Comments. The national animal of Cameroon is the mighty Lion. The Lion is the symbol of strength, power, and rules. Cameroon’s National animal, the Lion is the one of the biggest among the cats and only have mane among all of the cats.

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