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Quel est le genre du mot antre?

Quel est le genre du mot antre?

Un antre (mot masculin) peut être : une tanière servant de refuge-habitat pour les animaux sauvages. une habitation de personne asociale et/ou sauvage.

Comment Appelle-t-on l’entrée d’une maison?

Le vestibule (du latin : vestibulum, de ve-, « hors de », et stabulum, « séjour, gîte ») ou hall d’entrée est, en architecture, la pièce par laquelle on accède à un édifice ou une maison, et qui sert souvent de passage pour accéder aux autres pièces.

Comment s’écrit cagibi?

cagibi n.m. Local réduit, petite pièce exiguë.

What does « entree » mean in the US?

It’s a culinary term that signifies a course during meal service, but which course depends on where you’re dining. In the United States and parts of Canada, the word entrée is often used to mean the main dish part of a meal, such as a roast chicken with vegetables.

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What is considered an entree?

A main entree is essentially the same thing as a main course served at dinner or during another large meal with multiple courses. On its own, however, the term « entree » can either refer to the main dish or to a dish that precedes the main dish, depending on whether the speaker is using American English, British English, or French.

What are some examples of an entree?

In the United States, for example, the entree is usually the main course or main part of the meal while, in Europe, the entree is an appetizer or starter that is served before the main course. There are many types of entree foods. Many entrees contain some kind of meat, like beef, poultry, or pork.

What is an entree in a restaurant?

Restaurants use the term « entree » to mean « the main course of the meal ». It is usally a meat course of some kind, although if you want something vegetarian, or fish, or a pasta dish, as your main course, then that dish would be your « entree ».

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