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Quelle est la nature du mot apostrophe?

Quelle est la nature du mot apostrophe?

apostrophe n.f. Interpellation brusque et peu courtoise adressée à quelqu’un. apostrophe n.f. Signe graphique (‘) servant à indiquer l’élision d’une voyelle…

Pourquoi J’apostrophe?

En français, l’apostrophe sert de signe typographique marquant l’élision des voyelles finales a et e de certains mots, et i pour ce qui est de la conjonction si suivie du pronom il. L’élision se fait lorsque ces mots sont suivis d’un mot commençant par une voyelle ou un h muet.

Comment faire l’apostrophe sur le clavier HP?

Il suffit d’enfoncer la touche ALT et, sans la relâcher, de taper dans l’ordre sur le clavier numérique les chiffres 0,1,4,6. Pour l’apostrophe courbe, il faut taper alt+0146.

Comment utiliser le d’apostrophe?


  1. Rappel : L’apostrophe ( ‘ ) est un signe qui remplace une des voyelles ( a, e, i ) quand le mot qui suit commence lui-même par une voyelle ou un h muet.
  2. Exemples :
  3. * Le chasseur a blessé l’animal.
  4. * Chaque matin , j’écoute la radio.
  5. * Je ne sais pas s’il vient ce soir.
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What does apostrophe mean in French?

From French apostrophe, or Latin apostrophus, from Ancient Greek ἀπόστροφος (apóstrophos, “accent of elision”), a noun use of an adjective from ἀποστρέφω (apostréphō, “I turn away”). (orthography) The text character , which serves as a punctuation mark in various languages and as a diacritical mark in certain rare contexts.

Do French use an apostrophe to show possession?

Possession, Possessive Pronouns. In English we may use an apostrophe and an ‐s to show that something belongs to someone. In French, however, because an apostrophe is only used to replace a letter that is omitted due to elision, ‘s is not used to show possession.

Is French a pronoun?

Definition: A pronoun can replace a noun or another pronoun. French pronouns are inflected to indicate their role in the sentence. Pronouns are words that substitute for nouns. French draws them in many places where English does not; as a result, there are many more pronouns in French than there are in English.

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How do you use apostrophe in a sentence?

Use apostrophe in a sentence. noun. The definition of an apostrophe is the punctuation that is used to indicate possession, pluralization of abbreviations, and as an indicator of the exclusion of letters such as in a contraction. An example of usage of an apostrophe is to add ‘s to the name John when describing to whom his car belongs.