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Qui a vecu dans le Louvre?

Qui a vécu dans le Louvre?

Origine du nom

1 1546-1556 François Ier , Henri II
2 1559-1574 François II, Charles IX, Henri III
3 1564-1570 Catherine de Médicis
4 1566 Catherine de Médicis
5 1570-1572 Catherine de Médicis

Pourquoi le Louvre s’apelle le Louvre?

Le Louvre se disait dans cette langue Lupara, plus précisément “Turris lupara”, que l’on pourrait traduire par “tour louvière”. La racine du mot lupara vient de “lupus”, qui signifie loup. Bien avant le musée, il y aurait eu ici une forêt, terre des loups…

What is the architectural style of the Louvre?

As noted before, the architectural style of the Louvre is typical French Renaissance. By looking at the outside of the Louvre, one can see that it is covered in magnificent sculptures. Above the first level stands a row of statues that goes all along the front facade the Louvre.

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What is Louvre used for?

The Louvre was used for offices and a museum. Along the Rue de Rivoli , Napoleon I began a wing parallel to that of Henry IV along the Seine. Napoleon III finished the wing, thus closing the great quadrilateral. A few years later, during the uprising of the Paris Commune in 1871, the Tuileries was burned.

What is the Louvre known for?

The Louvre is one of the most famous museums in the world, housed in the Louvre Palace in Paris, France. The structure has existed since the 12th century, when it was built as a residence for the king of France.

Who is the architect of Le Louvre?

Architect Pierre Lescot (c1500-15 – 1578) who collaborated harmoniously with far and away the best sculptor of his age, Jean Goujon, earned his reputation by rebuilding the Louvre. The facade of his Square Court survives complete, although some its reliefs have been recut.

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