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Comment changer de niveau sur Rosetta Stone?

Comment changer de niveau sur Rosetta Stone?

Choisissez un utilisateur , puis cliquez sur « Continuer ». L’écran suivant vous donnera les options de langue . Choisissez le niveau un de la langue nouvellement installé. Avant de commencer la leçon, vous serez invité à configurer le microphone.

Comment avoir les divisions sur Duolingo?

Cette fonctionnalité est disponible sur nos applis iOS et Android ainsi que sur notre site web. Gagne des XP pour monter dans le classement de ta division. Les dix qui auront gagné le plus de XP dans chaque division rejoindront la division supérieure la semaine suivante.

What is Rosetta Stone?

Rosetta Stone helps you tap into your brain’s innate ability to learn language, and gets you comfortable with communication in real life. The best way to pick up a language is to surround yourself with it. We help you learn efficiently through real-world scenarios, interactive activities, and audio from native speakers.

What happened to live support for Rosetta Stone?

Rosetta Stone has discontinued live support and self-service options on our support portal for our CD-ROM and Digital Download products. Please refer to this FAQ for assistance. [1] This is a limited-time offer and Rosetta Stone reserves the right to discontinue it at any time without notice.

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Is Rosetta Stone good for learning languages?

“Rosetta Stone is the gold standard when it comes to learning a new language.” “With its excellent user interface, clear instructions, wide variety of games and challenges… Rosetta Stone has got it going on. ” “I love Rosetta Stone’s software, and I think the approach to learning languages works.

Can I get a free subscription to Rosetta Stone?

Yes. We are offering a free three (3) month subscription for a single language to those who purchased a Rosetta Stone CD-ROM or Digital Download product. You can take advantage of this offer here . All you need is the Activation ID from your original product. You can learn more about this offer here. [1]