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Ou vit Jonas dans le passeur?

Où vit Jonas dans le passeur?

Jonas, un garçon de 12 ans, vit dans une communauté isolée de toutes, à l’exception de quelques villes similaires, où tout le monde, des petits enfants aux aînés, a un rôle assigné. Avec la cérémonie annuelle des Douze à venir, il est nerveux, car on lui assignera le travail de sa vie.

Où et quand se déroule le passeur?

L’ouvrage est paru pour la première fois en 1993 et fait partie de la série « Le Quatuor » du même auteur. Il s’agit d’une dystopie dans laquelle on retrouve Jonas, un jeune garçon de 11 ans qui vit dans une société futuriste dans laquelle tout est contrôlé : émotions, métiers, couleurs, prénoms, conjoints…

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How would you describe Jonas in the giver?

Answers 1. The Giver The previous Receiver of Memory, he serves as a tutor and a mentor for Jonas, introducing Jonas to new concepts as he transmits the memories. Although he suffers terribly as The Receiver, The Giver took more years than Jonas to realize the necessity for action and change in their society, and by the end of the novel,…

What are some character traits of Jonas in the giver?

slide 1 of 4. Jonas Jonas is one of the main characters of “The Giver. ». Three words can describe his character: intelligent, determined and passionate. Although these traits are rare in the community in which he lives, they make him perfect for the role of Receiver.

What is unique about Jonas in the giver?

Jonas is the receiver, which no one else is familiar with. This is what makes him and his life unique. He lives in a total different world. – he sees in color even when everyone else can’t. – he has regular feelings even when no one else experiences any emotion.

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What is Jonas selected to do in the giver?

Jonas was not assigned to a job like his peers, but was selected to be the Reciever of Memory, where he obtained memories, feelings, and colors from The Giver. After escaping the Community, his memories were released back to the people as they were left to rebuild.