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Pourquoi la population urbaine augmente dans le monde?

Pourquoi la population urbaine augmente dans le monde?

La population urbaine augmente très rapidement. La multiplication du nombre de villes au xxe siècle. Le monde compte de plus en plus de villes, par la croissance d’anciens villages (ex. : Abidjan en Afrique) ou par des créations de toutes pièces (ex. : Brasilia, capitale du Brésil).

What are the positive and negative effects of urbanization?

Some benefits of urbanization are economies of scale, better transportation, better opportunities for housing and education, better medical care, increased job opportunities and greater access to goods. However, urbanization also has some negative effects, such as traffic, violence, increased pollution, diseases and physical inactivity.

Why urbanization may benefit the environment?

There are a number of reasons urbanization can be good for the environment, if managed properly. First, urbanization brings higher productivity because of its positive externalities and economies of scale.

What are the causes and consequences of urbanization?

Consequences of urbanization include unequal wealth distribution, health hazards and violence. Some of these consequences arise from a large amount of people in urban areas that are either homeless or living in poor quality housing, according to the United Nations. According to the United Nations, unequal wealth distribution in urban areas, a situation that arises when a small amount of the population enjoys a high income while a larger part of the population averages a lower income, causes a larger number of people to live in poor housing conditions than in rural areas.

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What are the reasons for urbanization?

Migration: People migrate themselves from rural areas to the town,industrial areas because of the relatively better employment opportunities available there.

  • Industrial Growth.
  • Apathy of Government: The administrative management in our cities is also responsible for the mess in which city dwellers find themselves.