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Pourquoi Mona a tue Charlotte DiLaurentis?

Pourquoi Mona a tué Charlotte DiLaurentis?

On vous explique tout : alors que la soeur d’Alison, qui était un homme avant, s’apprêtait à sortir de l’hôpital psychiatrique (elle y avait été enfermée car elle était A), Mona a eu peur qu’elle s’en prenne de nouveau à Aria, Spencer, Emily et Hanna et a donc souhaité les protéger en assassinant Charlotte.

Qui est le diable dans Pretty Little Liars?

Oui, comme de nombreux fans l’avaient suspecté, AD n’est autre que Alex Drake, la soeur jumelle cachée de Spencer.

Qui à essayer de tuer Alison?

L’agresseur d’Alison était un personnage anonyme de Pretty Little Liars. Cette personne a frappée Alison DiLaurentis à l’arrière de la tête avec une pierre. Cette personne sera révélée être Charlotte DiLaurentis.

Who is Charlotte DiLaurentis on PLL?

Charlotte DiLaurentis (born Charles Drake: alias CeCe Drake) was a character on Pretty Little Liars, first introduced in Season 3. She is portrayed by Vanessa Ray. Her character pays homage to the book character,Courtney DiLaurentis. She was the best friend, mentor, older adoptive sister and…

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Why did Mona kill Charlotte on Pretty Little Liars?

The two started a physical and brutal fight, which resulted in Mona shoving her against the wall and accidentally killing her. Mona suffered a mental break soon after and went on to frame Charlotte for suicide and help the Liars solve her murder (by leading them to Alison).

Why did Charlotte torture Emily in Pretty Little Liars?

Charlotte originally blackmailed Emily with the fact that the latter is gay and then outed her to her parents. Later, she framed the Liars for accomplices in Mona’s murder, and then kidnapped them during the transfer and took them to a Dollhouse. At the Dollhouse, Charlotte tortured Emily with games, emotional abuse, and much more.

Why did Uber A kill Charlotte on Pretty Little Liars?

Uber A believed the Liars had something to do with Charlotte’s death and wanted to avenge her. It was later revealed in  » Farewell, My Lovely  » that she was killed by Mona Vanderwaal in self-defense following a brawl in the bell tower. She faked getting well again and was planning to restart the game, which forced Mona to stop her.

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