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Quel age a Chandler Riggs?

Quel âge a Chandler Riggs?

22 ans (27 juin 1999)
Chandler Riggs/Âge

Où habite Chandler Riggs?

Chandler Riggs/Lieux de résidence

Quel âge a Carl dans Walking Dead?

Jeune garçon de 11 ans, c’est le fils de Rick et Lori.

Quel âge a Carl dans The Walking Dead?

Or, Carl avait onze ans lorsque le shérif d’Atlanta est sorti du coma dans la première saison de The Walking Dead. En résumé, Carl est un gamin de 13 ans qui a l’air très vieux. Pour Robert Kirkman, de toute manière, « c’est complètement possible que Carl ait vieilli de cinq ans depuis le début de la série.

Quel âge a Rick?

L’âge de Rick est particulièrement dur à authentifier, parce que les éléments ne concordent pas entre eux. Quand le principal Gene Vagin lui annonce son renvoi en tant qu’élève dans l’épisode Mini-Rick, méga hic, il lui donne quatre-vingt ans.

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How old is Chandler Riggs?

Chandler Riggs. Chandler Riggs (born June 27, 1999) is an American actor and DJ, known for his role as Carl Grimes on The Walking Dead, an AMC television horror drama series. In late 2017, Riggs started releasing electronic music under the stage-name of Eclipse.

How old is Carlton Riggs from the Walking Dead?

Chandler Carlton Riggs (born June 27, 1999) is an American actor and DJ, best known for his regular role as Carl Grimes on the AMC horror-drama television series The Walking Dead (based on the comic book series of the same name) from 2010 to 2018.

What is eclipse Riggs real name?

Chandler Riggs (born June 27, 1999) is an American actor and DJ, known for his role as Carl Grimes on The Walking Dead, an AMC television horror drama series. In late 2017, Riggs started releasing electronic music under the stage-name of Eclipse. Riggs was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the son of Gina Ann (née Carlton) and William Riggs.

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How old is ridriggs now?

Riggs was born on June 27, 1999 in Atlanta, Georgia to Gina Ann (née Carlton) and William Riggs. He has a younger brother named Grayson.