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Quel exploit a fait Wonder Woman?

Quel exploit a fait Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman
Personnage de fiction apparaissant dans Wonder Woman.
Espèce Amazone
Pouvoirs Super-force, vol, super-vitesse, longévité accrue, télépathie animale, résistance au contrôle mental, grande résistance à la magie, régénération, projection astrale
Armes Lasso magique Bracelets pare-balles, épée, bouclier

Quel est l’histoire de Catwoman?

Selina Kyle À 13 ans, Selina s’échappe du centre de détention juvénile de Sprang Hall et se rend à Gotham City. Là, la fugitive vit d’expédients. À l’âge de 17 ans, elle jouit d’un confort relatif dans l’East End rongé par la criminalité. C’est à ce moment qu’elle rencontre une jeune fille, Holly Robinson.

Why is Wonder Woman in the nWo?

Wonder Woman is the first to join Kal-El’s NWO, and the only acolyte who zealously advocates for killing supervillains and criminals alike. Diana doesn’t just believe humanity ought to be subjugated, she believes it needs to be.

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What does Wonder Woman do in the Injustice franchise?

Well, that’s exactly what Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman does in the Injustice franchise. As early as « Year One », Diana is there whispering into the ears of the man of steel, encouraging Kal-El to commit greater and greater acts of brutality (then soothing his doubts afterward).

How did Wonder Woman kill Huntress?

Diana, who has sided with Superman’s regime, brutally dismantles Katherine Kane and Bertinelli, the latter declaring she would rather be a martyr than enslaved to a tyrant. In a fit of rage for insulting Superman, Wonder Woman whips the lasso around Huntress’ neck and snaps it like a twig, killing her instantly.

Is Wonder Woman the biggest villain in’Injustice’?

The final reason why Wonder Woman is Injustice ‘s biggest villain is her effect on other Themyscirans. When Wonder Woman turns to the dark side and joins Superman’s regime, she converts all of her fellow amazons into ruthless killers just like her.

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