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Qui a incarne le personnage de Sherlock Holmes?

Qui a incarné le personnage de Sherlock Holmes?

Benedict Cumberbatch
L’acteur Benedict Cumberbatch est connu pour son rôle de Sherlock Holmes mais, dans la vie, il se distingue aussi.

Où vit Benedict Cumberbatch?

Benedict Cumberbatch/Lieux de résidence

Comment s’appelle le père de Sherlock Holmes?

Docteur Watson

John H. Watson
Personnage de fiction apparaissant dans Les Aventures de Sherlock Holmes.
Naissance 1852
Origine Royaume-Uni
Sexe Masculin

Comment s’appelle l’acteur de Docteur Strange?

En octobre 2016, Benedict Cumberbatch fait son entrée dans l’univers cinématographique Marvel en endossant pour la première fois le rôle-titre du film Doctor Strange de Scott Derrickson.

Who is the best Sherlock Holmes actor?

Brett is best known for his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes. From 1984 to 1994, Jeremy Brett played him in forty-one Granada television productions. Brett took great pains to be the best actor to ever play the part.

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What actors played Sherlock Holmes?

– Eille Norwood (1923) – Arthur Wontner (1935) – Basil Rathbone (1939) – Peter Cushing (1959) – Jeremy Brett (1984) – Rupert Everett (2004) – Robert Downey Jr (2009) – Benedict Cumberbatch (2012)

Who are the actors on Sherlock Holmes?

A series of fourteen films based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories were released between 1939 and 1946; the British actors Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce played Holmes and Dr. John Watson, respectively.

Who is the best Sherlock Holmes?

Usually accompanied by his friend and biographer Dr. John Watson, Holmes embodies the eccentric efficiency of the British academic of the Victorian era. Currently, Benedict Cumberbatch (who plays Holmes on BBC’s Sherlock) is the best Holmes in the world, but he’s hardly the best in history.