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Qui est Janine dans divergente?

Qui est Janine dans divergente?

Leur but : renverser les Altruistes au pouvoir et amener un peu de cellules grises aux commandes. Jeanine (Kate Winslet), la patronne des Erudits, utilisent donc les Audacieux en les transformant en machines de guerre dociles. Mais Tris et Quatre, tous deux Divergents, résistent.

Quel est le message du film Divergente?

fraternels qui cultivent la terre. sincères qui disent toujours la vérité et protègent l’ordre. audacieux qui sont intrépides et libres. altruistes, qui gouvernent car ils aiment s’occuper des autres.

Comment se termine le film divergente 1?

Une fin mortelle et critiquée pour Divergente La saga littéraire avait une fin mortelle pour deux personnages principaux : Uriah (joué par Keiynan Lonsdale) mourrait après une explosion qui l’avait laissé en état de mort cérébrale. Autre mort très controversée? Celle de Tris ! Oui, l’héroïne finissait par mourir.

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Who is jeanjeanine Matthews in divergent?

Jeanine Matthews is the leader of the faction Erudite solely because of her IQ score. She is the main antagonist in Divergent and Insurgent, and the ringleader behind the Erudite/Dauntless alliance against the Abnegation. She is overall the primary antagonist of the series.

What experiments does Jeanine perform on Tris in divergent?

By blackmailing Tris, she is able to perform genetic experiments on her in order to find a serum that works on the Divergent. Jeanine creates simulations and scans Tris’ brain.

Why is jeanjeanine the leader of the erudite?

Jeanine Matthews is the leader of the faction Erudite solely because of her IQ score. She is the main antagonist in Divergent and Insurgent, and the ringleader behind the Erudite/ Dauntless alliance against the Abnegation. She is one of the overall primary antagonist’s (alongside David) of the Divergent Series.

Who is Jeanine Matthews in the erudite?

Divergent Jeanine Matthews is the Erudite faction representative. She releases many propagandic articles about Abnegation in order to smear bad faith towards the faction. This tactic would lead to people doubting whether Abnegation is actually selfless but rather a faction hoarding greed and fresh supplies for themselves.

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