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Comment reconnaitre une fission ou une fusion?

Comment reconnaître une fission ou une fusion?

Le phénomène de fusion nucléaire peut-être observé au sein des étoiles dans lesquelles une énergie colossale est libérée. Elle se distingue de la fission nucléaire car dans cette dernière, un atome lourd se scinde en deux atomes plus légers avec certes, un dégagement d’énergie, mais nettement inférieur.

Comment produire de l’uranium?

Comment? Les roches sont concassées et finement broyées puis l’uranium est extrait grâce à différentes opérations chimiques. C’est ce qu’on appelle le traitement, dont le résultat est une pâte jaune appelée yellow cake contenant 75 \% d’oxyde d’uranium.

Is nuclear fusion more dangerous then nuclear fission?

Nuclear fusion is safer than nuclear fission. Whereas a fission reactor has about ten years worth of fuel in it, gradually growing more and more toxic over time. So the amount that can be released in a most catastrophic imaginable accident is huge. Secondly, the products of fusion are few and safe.

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What happens during a nuclear fission?

While coal-powered plants burn fossil fuels, nuclear-powered plants depend on the heat that occurs during nuclear fission, when one atom splits into two and releases energy. Nuclear fission happens naturally every day. Uranium, for example, constantly undergoes spontaneous fission at a very slow rate.

What are facts about nuclear fusion?

It’s Star Power. Fusion energy is what powers our Sun and the stars. It’s Clean. Controlling Plasma is the Key. Goal: The Burning Plasma. The Fuel is Almost Limitless. ITER: A Massive Experiment in France. ITER is Expensive. Fusion Costs Depend on Component Durability. Fusion’s Competitiveness is Uncertain. Fusion and Fission.

Which elements can be used in nuclear fission?

Uranium and plutonium are most commonly used for fission reactions in nuclear power reactors because they are easy to initiate and control. The energy released by fission in these reactors heats water into steam.