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Quand est ne Temari?

Quand est né Temari?


Anniversaire: 23/08
Groupe Sanguin: O
Matricule: 53-004

Quel est la taille de Temari?

Hauteur adulte 25 cm. Espacer de 25 cm en jardinière et de 40 cm en pleine terre.

Quand Temari sort avec Shikamaru?

Après 4 mois d’harcèlement, Temari accepte enfin de rejoindre les filles du Konoha 11 pour une soirée entre des filles qui se transforme vite en une séance d’interrogation. Les filles insistent qu’elle est en couple avec Shikamaru.

Quand est né Kankuro?

Kankurô (Naruto)

Kankurô カンクロウ
Personnage de fiction apparaissant dans Naruto
Cosplay de Kankurô
Âge 14-15 ans (Partie I) 17-20 ans (Partie II) 33 ans (Boruto)
Anniversaire 15 mai

Who is Temari in Naruto Shippuden?

Main article: Naruto Shippūden the Movie Temari was one of the shinobi to fight off the Ghost Army. She later met up with Shikamaru.

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What weapon does Temari use in battle?

Temari wields a giant iron fan ( 鉄扇, tessen) in battle, which she uses in tandem with her Wind Release nature manipulation to create severe torrents of wind.

Is Temari a Jinchuriki?

Temari was born the eldest child of Karura and the Fourth Kazekage: Rasa. While it was customary for close relations to a Kage to be a jinchūriki, neither she nor her younger brother Kankurō were compatible with the One-Tail, so Gaara was chosen. Platinum Collection Build Your Own Bundle. Choose up to 7 games

Does Temari become A jōnin?

Main article: Kazekage Rescue Mission Temari’s first appearance in Part II revealed that she has become a jōnin, as well as Sunagakure ‘s ambassador to Konohagakure, since the events in Part I. Her presence in Konohagakure at the time of Naruto’s return was to see to the organisation of the bi-annual Chūnin Exams.
