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Quel age a Sokka dans Avatar?

Quel âge a Sokka dans Avatar?

Sokka est un personnage de fiction de la série animée Avatar, le dernier maître de l’air de Nickelodeon. Âgé de quinze ans, Sokka est un guerrier de la tribu de l’eau du pôle Sud, qui, avec sa sœur cadette Katara, découvre Aang, le dernier Avatar qui avait disparu il y a 100 ans.

Qui est la femme de Aang?

Aang se marie avec Katara et a trois enfants : Bumi, Kya et Tenzin. Après sa mort, il se réincarne en Korra, personnage principal de la série La Légende de Korra qui se déroule 60 ans après les événements de la série originelle.

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How old is Sokka from Sokka?

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Sokka is a seventeen-year-old Water Tribe warrior raised by his grandmother Kanna along with his younger sister Katara in the Southern Water Tribe . Sokka with his tribe.

What are some character traits of Sokka?

Skeptical, abrasive, and sharp-witted, Sokka is detached from Aang, Katara, and Toph’s pursuit of the bending arts. Not gifted with bending abilities himself, Sokka instead prefers the ways of the warrior and the scientist, and he takes his responsibility as protector very seriously.

What is the age difference between Katara and Sokka?

Katara is Sokka’s younger sister with an age difference of two years. The Water Tribe siblings are arguably the most dynamic family relationship. Sokka’s sarcastic nature can, and often does, clash with Katara’s more serious and caring one, leading to disagreements and « sibling spats ».

Who is Sokka in Avatar?

Sokka was the father figure of Team Avatar and the older brother of Kya . Kya, Aang, and Sokka were all fleeing from Zuko, who was aboard his ship in pursuit of them. The gang encountered a sea serpent, but rather than attacking them, it diverted its attention toward Zuko’s ship, allowing them to escape to an island.

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