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Quel est le nom de naissance de Mahatma Gandhi?

Quel est le nom de naissance de Mahatma Gandhi?

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, en septembre 1931….Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

Nom de naissance Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Alias « Bapu » (« père ») « Mahatma » (« grande âme »)
Naissance 2 octobre 1869 Porbandar
Décès 30 janvier 1948 Delhi

Quel est le rêve de Gandhi?

 » J’ai rêvé de créer une Inde sans classes et sans castes… Je ne suis qu’un rebelle rêvant d’une société d’égaux  » déclare Gandhi peu avant son assassinat à Delhi.

What is the other name of Gandhi?

Alternative Title: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi, byname of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, (born October 2, 1869, Porbandar, India—died January 30, 1948, Delhi), Indian lawyer, politician, social activist, and writer who became the leader of the nationalist movement against the British rule of India.

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What did Mahatma Gandhi do for India?

Mahatma Gandhi, Indian lawyer, politician, social activist, and writer who is considered to be the father of his country. After World War I he undertook a struggle of satyagraha (nonviolent protest) and refashioned the Indian National Congress. In 1942 he launched the Quit India Movement crucial to independence.

Why did people flocked to Gandhi after he returned to India?

These ideas are evidenced in his pamphlets from the 1890s, in South Africa, where too he was popular among the Indian indentured workers. After he returned to India, people flocked to him because he reflected their values. Gandhi also campaigned hard going from one rural corner of the Indian subcontinent to another.

What is Gandhi Jayanti?

Gandhi’s birthday, 2 October, is a national holiday in India, Gandhi Jayanti. Gandhi’s image also appears on paper currency of all denominations issued by Reserve Bank of India, except for the one rupee note.

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