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Qui a fait American Dad?

Qui a fait American Dad?

Titre original American Dad!
Création Seth MacFarlane, Mike Barker et Matt Weitzman
Acteurs principaux Seth MacFarlane Wendy Schaal Scott Grimes Rachael MacFarlane Dee Bradley Baker
Musique Walter Murphy Joel McNeely Ron Jones
Pays d’origine États-Unis

Pourquoi Klaus est un poisson?

Klaus est devenu un membre de la famille Smith quand la CIA a ordonné à Stanley Smith d’en faire son animal, ce que Klaus n’assume pas. De ce fait, si quelque chose lui est fait inopinément, il devient très ennuyé et jure vengeance.

Où trouver American Dad?

American Dad en streaming direct et replay sur CANAL+ | myCANAL.

Why does Hayley decide to move to France?

When she mentions this to her parents, Stan drops his mug. Believing that she is conforming too much, Hayley announces that decides to move to France, planning on going on a string of love affairs, one including a girl. Stan states that she is veering off the « path to happiness », which involves marriage, children and then housewife life.

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What happened to Hayley in 13 reasons why?

Hayley has a recurring dream, involving her in a class and she is electrocuted for accidentally miscoloring the American flag. She also accidentally breaks Jeff’s arm while sleeping before she broke up with him again. When she mentions this to her parents, Stan drops his mug.

What happens to Hayley in the book Hayley?

Stan controls Hayley which has deadly results. Hayley has a recurring dream, involving her in a class and she is electrocuted for accidentally miscoloring the American flag. She also accidentally breaks Jeff’s arm while sleeping before she broke up with him again.

What happened to Hayley in the Outsiders?

Hayley has a recurring dream, involving her in a class and she is electrocuted for accidentally miscoloring the American flag. She also accidentally breaks Jeff’s arm while sleeping before she broke up with him again.
