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Qui a joue le premier Maigret?

Qui a joué le premier Maigret?

Jean Gabin : Le précurseur Le commissaire Maigret pense que l’assassin cherche, avant tout, à faire parler de lui.

Où est enterré Bruno Cremer?

Cimetière du Montparnasse, Paris
Bruno Cremer/Lieu d’inhumation

Comment est mort Maigret?

Le commissaire Maigret est mort. Triste nouvelle. Âgé de 80 ans, l’acteur nous a quittés des suites d’un cancer de la langue.

Comment s’appelle l’inspecteur Maigret?

Le commissaire Jules Maigret est un personnage de fiction, protagoniste et héros de 75 romans policiers et 28 nouvelles de Georges Simenon, publiés entre 1931 et 1972.

Who was Michael Gambon in Maigret?

Michael Gambon. Gambon has played the eponymous mystery writer protagonist in the BBC television serial The Singing Detective, Jules Maigret in the 1990s ITV serial Maigret, and Professor Albus Dumbledore in the final six Harry Potter films after the death of Richard Harris who had previously played the role.

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How old is Michael Gambon?

Sir Michael John Gambon, CBE (born 19 October 1940) is an Irish actor who has worked in theatre, television, and film. He moved to England and gained British citizenship.

When did the TV series Maigret come out?

For the 1960 series starring Rupert Davies, see Maigret (1960 TV series). Maigret is a British television series that ran on ITV for twelve episodes in 1992 and 1993. It was an adaptation of the books by Georges Simenon featuring his fictional French detective Jules Maigret.

What is the plot of the movie Maigret?

From Montmartre to the remote French countryside, Maigret encounters the dark side of the human psyche. Yet, he manages to maintain both compassion and a sense of humor as he explores the complex motives that lie behind every crime. Sir Michael Gambon took over the role of Jules Maigret from Richard Harris, who played the role in Maigret (1988).

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