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Qui a tue Malcolm Merlyn?

Qui a tué Malcolm Merlyn?

Malcolm, qui a fait Oliver prisonnier, lui dit qu’il ne sait pas pourquoi se battre, et que c’est pour ça qu’il n’a jamais réussi à battre Dark Archer, autrement dit lui-même. Mais au cours de la lutte finale, Oliver prend le dessus et tue Malcolm, en se blessant lui-même.

Qui est l’archer noir Arrow?

Malcolm Merlyn
Malcolm Merlyn (né en 1966 sous le nom de Arthur King) est un criminel notoire de Star City (anciennement Starling City) ainsi que le père de Thea Queen, du défunt Tommy Merlyn mais aussi de Saracon.

Qui a tué Sara Arrow?

L’équipe va apprendre que c’est Malcolm qui a drogué Thea pour que cette dernière tue Sara. Pour éviter de livrer Thea à Ra’s Al Ghul, Oliver va le défier en duel mais il sera vaincu.

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Pourquoi Green Arrow est mort?

Enfin, lors d’une aventure, Green Arrow se retrouve le bras piégé dans une bombe. Il refuse alors que Superman lui sectionne le bras pour le sauver, et meurt dans l’explosion. Ce décès est inspiré par un passage de Batman: Dark Knight. Après son décès dans le #101 de sa série, il est remplacé par son fils Connor Hawke.

Who is Malcolm Merlyn?

Malcolm Merlyn, also known as Arthur King, the Dark Archer, or simply Merlyn, is a master bowman and a member of the League of Assassins.

Who is Tommy Merlyn’s father Malcolm?

Malcolm Merlyn (born Arthur King; October 13, unknown year – May 17, 2017) was the widower of the late Rebecca Merlyn and the father of Tommy Merlyn, Thea Queen, and Saracon. He was a formerly wealthy and successful businessman, the founder and CEO of Merlyn Global Group, and a prominent figure in Starling City.

Who is Rebecca Merlyn’s husband Malcolm?

Malcolm Merlyn (born Arthur King; October 13, – May 17, 2017) was the husband of the late Rebecca Merlyn and the father of Tommy Merlyn, Thea Queen, and Saracon. He was a formerly wealthy and successful businessman, the founder and CEO of Merlyn Global Group, and a prominent figure in Starling City.

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Who is Malcolm Merlyn in the Dark Archer?

Malcolm Merlyn, also known as Arthur King, the Dark Archer, or simply Merlyn, is a master bowman and a member of the League of Assassins. At one point in his life, when he was about 25 years old, Malcolm Merlyn joined the League of Assassins, an ancient, international order of the world’s greatest killers. He was trained by Ra’s al Ghul himself.