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Qui joue Anakin dans Star Wars?

Qui joue Anakin dans Star Wars?

Obi-Wan Kenobi accomplit la dernière volonté de son défunt maître et s’engage à former Anakin. Devant son entêtement et par compassion face à la mort de Qui-Gon, Maître Yoda lui donne son accord en affirmant cependant qu’il ressent un grand danger concernant l’enfant.

Pourquoi Ahsoka a quitté l’Ordre Jedi?

Au début de la Guerre des clones, Ahsoka devient l’apprentie d’Anakin Skywalker et participe à de nombreuses batailles. Durant la deuxième année de guerre, elle est accusée d’un meurtre qu’elle n’a pas commis et quitte finalement l’ordre Jedi bien qu’elle ait été innocentée.

What did Ahsoka Tano accuse Anakin of?

Ahsoka accuses Anakin of not trusting her judgment. Tano began to grow frustrated with Skywalker after he continually cut her off during the briefing for the next stage of the mission, believing that she had not earned her master’s complete trust.

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How did Ahsoka Tano become a Jedi?

―Ahsoka Tano — Listen (file info) [src] Ahsoka Tano was a Togruta female former Jedi Padawan who, after the Clone Wars, helped establish a network of various rebel cells against the Galactic Empire. Tano was discovered on her homeworld of Shili by Jedi Master Plo Koon, who brought her to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to receive Jedi training.

What was Ahsoka and Anakin’s first assignment?

Yoda issues Ahsoka and Anakin their first assignment. Their task requires rescuing Jabba the Hutt’s kidnapped son, Rotta. Anakin, because of his past with the Hutts, immediately becomes suspicious. Ahsoka becomes enthusiastic and loves the idea before runs off to get the troops organized.

Does Ahsoka Tano have a Padawan?

When Lucasfilm introduced Ahsoka Tano in The Clone Wars animated movie, the fanbase was taken aback. The prequel trilogy had never suggested Anakin Skywalker had a Padawan, still less one so capable and resourceful as Ahsoka.

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