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Ou se situe la diorite?

Où se situe la diorite?

L’affleurement de diorite quartzique est situé dans le cirque glaciaire du glacier du Plaret, dominé au nord par la Tête de la Gandolière (3542 m), à l’ouest par le Plaret (3563 m) et au sud-ouest par le pic Gény (3435 m).

Comment se forme le granodiorite?

Elle peut provenir de la fusion partielle de la péridotite du manteau terrestre au niveau de l’arc magmatique d’une zone de subduction, et de sa différenciation par cristallisation fractionnée lors de sa remontée.

Où se trouve la granodiorite?

Les Granodiorites de la Sierra Nevada. Aussi loin que porte le regard, ce paysage magnifique de Sierra Nevada, dans l’Etat de Californie (Etats Unis d’Amérique), est constitué exclusivement de Granodiorite, roche granitoïde dans laquelle le feldspath dominant est le plagioclase.

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What distinguishes a diorite from a granite?

The difference between diorite and granite is that, diorite is an extrusive rock composed of various materials. It is dark in color. While, granite is an intrusive grey color rock. It also has 20\% quartz in its composition. Difference between gabbros and basalt is, gabbros are a large group of dark color rocks composed of different chemicals.

What does the name diorite mean?

Diorite is the name used for a group of coarse-grained igneous rocks with a composition between that of granite and basalt. It usually occurs as large intrusions, dikes, and sills within continental crust. These often form above a convergent plate boundary where an oceanic plate subducts beneath a continental plate.

What are the characteristics of diorite?

Diorite is usually composed of sodium-rich plagioclase with lesser amounts of hornblende and biotite. It usually contains little if any quartz. This makes diorite a coarse-grained rock with a contrasting mix of black and white mineral grains.

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What are the properties of diorite?

Diorite has about the same structural properties as granite but, perhaps because of its darker colour and more limited supply, is rarely used as an ornamental and building material. It is one of the dark gray stones that is sold commercially as black granite. Many diorites are truly igneous, having crystallized from molten material (magma).