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Qui est le pere de Lex Luthor?

Qui est le père de Lex Luthor?

Lionel Luthor
Lex Luthor/Parents

Quand Clark avoue son secret?

Dans le 100ème épisode de la série, Clark révèle son secret à Lana. Jonathan et Lex apprennent les résultats des élections sénatoriales et il y a un tragique accident sur l’autoroute qui prend la vie de quelqu’un que Clark aime. Clark, désespéré, décide de demander de l’aide à Jor-El…

Quand Loïs apprend le secret de Clark Smallville?

Elle vit une période de doutes, assez difficile pour elle. Elle fait comprendre à Clark qu’elle peut gérer l’identité du Flou et celui-ci finit par lui révéler son secret (épisode 5) . Elle apprend à le connaître entièrement.

Who is Lionel Luthor in Smallville?

Lionel Luthor. In Smallville, Lionel Luthor is the father of Lex Luthor ( Michael Rosenbaum ), and founder and CEO of LuthorCorp. Lex Luthor ‘s father was first introduced in Superman comics by Jerry Siegel in 1961 and has since appeared in other Superman-related media under different names. Smallville is the first appearance in which…

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Why is Lionel Luthor angry with Lex Luthor?

It’s also revealed why Lionel is angry with Lex; he blames his son for the death of his youngest son Julian Luthor, although Lex took the blame to protect the true killer: Lillian ( Alisen Down ), Lionel’s mentally unwell wife. Lionel also learns that he has a terminal liver disease, which he divulges to Lex while awaiting arraignment.

Is Lionel Luthor Lex Luthor’s father?

In Smallville, Lionel Luthor is the father of Lex Luthor ( Michael Rosenbaum ), and founder and CEO of LuthorCorp. Lex Luthor ‘s father was first introduced in Superman comics by Jerry Siegel in 1961 and has since appeared in other Superman-related media under different names.

What happened to Lionel Luthor during the meteor shower?

During the 1989 meteor shower in Smallville, Lionel was there on business (both for LuthorCorp and Veritas). Lex was caught in the shower and the Kents helped him get to a hospital.

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