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Qui est Saint-helier?

Qui est Saint-hélier?

Hélier (en Latin, Helerius) est un moine du VI e siècle originaire de Tongres en Belgique qui devint ermite à Jersey et donna son nom à Saint-Hélier, principale paroisse de l’île. La fête de saint Hélier est le 16 juillet.

Quelle langue Parle-t-on à Jersey?

Jersey/Langues officielles

Quelle est la capitale de Guernesey?

Sa superficie est de 68 km². C’est la deuxième plus grande île anglo-normande, après Jersey. Sa capitale est Saint-Pierre-Port (Saint-Peter-Port en anglais). Le bailliage de Guernesey comprend, en plus de l’île elle-même, les îles d’Aurigny, Sercq, Herm, Jéthou, Brecqhou, Burhou, et quelques autres plus petites.

Who is Saint Helier?

The face of St. Helier as sculpted on the 1978 monument La Croix de la Reine in St. Helier. St. Helier is named for Helier (or Helerius), a 6th-century ascetic hermit from Belgium. The traditional date of his martyrdom is AD 555. His feast day, marked by an annual municipal and ecumenical pilgrimage to the Hermitage, is on 16 July.

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Where is St Helier in Jersey?

St. Helier is one of the twelve parishes of Jersey and is the most populated of them. It is located on the south coast of the island, on the eastern end of St Aubin’s Bay. It covers the majority, and the principal part of, the island’s principal settlement (henceforth referred to as « the town »).

Where is the Hermitage of Saint Helier?

The Hermitage of Saint Helier lies in the bay off St Helier and is accessible on foot at low tide. It is thought that the site of St Helier was settled at the time of the Roman control of Gaul.

What is the geography of St Helier like?

Most of the town is located on low-lying land, consisting of escarpment and flood plain. The town’s centre is located entirely within the Parish of St. Helier, and mostly consists of the area surrounding the town’s high street, King Street and Queen Street.

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