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Comment dire en creole Guadeloupeen?

Comment dire en créole Guadeloupeen?

Deux consonnes n’existent qu’en créole : « tch » et « dj »….Expressions de base / Mots courants.

Français Créole guadeloupéen
Bonjour / Bonsoir Bonjou/Bonswa
Comment allez-vous? Sa ou fè?
Très bien, merci, et vous? Bien mèsi, é zot?
Parlez-vous français/anglais? Palé zot fwansé/anglé?

Comment dire tu me manques en créole?

FREELANG – TU ME MANQUES dans toutes les langues

CORÉEN Corée, Corée du Nord 그리워 (keuriwo) / 보고 싶어 (pogo ship’eo)
CROATE Croatie, Bosnie-Herzégovine nedostaješ mi
CRÉOLE DE GUINÉE-BISSAU Guinée-Bissau mi sinti bu falta
CRÉOLE DU CAP-VERT Cap-Vert mi xinti bu falta

What exactly does « Creole » mean?

What Does Creole Mean. The term creole comes from the French word “créole”, which has close equivalents in Spanish (“criolla”) and Portuguese (“crioulo”). All share the same root of the verb “criar” (to raise), and the same origin of the word explains why the term “creole” was chosen to refer to this type of language.

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What is the difference between a Creole and a patois?

Creole vs Patois – What’s the difference? is that creole is (linguistics) a dialect formed from two languages which has developed from a pidgin to become a first language while patois is a regional dialect of a language (especially french); usually considered substandard.

Is Creole and French the same thing?

The real difference you should absolutely draw is linguistic. Cajun French and Creole French are not the same thing…both are interesting dialects of French but I repeat, they are not the same. Cajun is 17th Century French with many of the words trapped in time and many others added by the folks in Southwest Louisiana rather than in Paris.

What is the diff between Cajun and Creole?

The main difference between Creole and Cajun arguably is in migration history, as the latter group comes from Canada and the former combines people from Spain, Africa, the Caribbean and many other regions.

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