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Comment Napoleon se fait sacrer empereur?

Comment Napoléon se fait sacrer empereur?

Le 2 décembre 1804 (11 Frimaire An XIII selon le calendrier républicain), Napoléon Bonaparte est sacré empereur des Français dans la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, en présence du pape Pie VII. Le sacre leur offrira un répit de dix ans avant le retour de la monarchie. …

Quand Napoléon se fait sacrer empereur?

2 décembre 1804
Technique et autres indications : huile sur toile. Sacre de l’empereur Napoléon et couronnement de l’impératrice Joséphine dans la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris le 2 décembre 1804.

How did Napoleon become emperor?

How Napoleon Became Emperor. What Napoleon did was to capitalize on the situation in order to dominate the new ruling Consulate and gain control of France by creating a constitution which bound his interests to many of the most powerful people in France: the landowners. He was then able to use this to leverage his support into being declared Emperor.

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How Napoleon became emperor of France?

He conquered much of Europe and became the emperor of France from 1804 to 1815. He centralized the French government, established the Bank of France and introduced the Napoleon Code to reform the French law.

What did Napoleon Bonaparte do as Emperor?

Napoleon Bonaparte was the first Emperor of France . His career as a military leader and political leader led to a number of major accomplishments that benefited France and directly affected the balance of power in Europe. His accomplishments included reforms in politics, domestic affairs, religion and the military.

Was Napoleon the French emperor?

Emperor of the French (French: Empereur des Français) was the title used by the House of Bonaparte starting when Napoleon Bonaparte was given the title of Emperor on 18 May 1804 by the French Senate and was crowned emperor of the French on 2 December 1804 at the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris, in Paris, with the Crown of Napoleon.

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