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Pourquoi prendre du beta carotene?

Pourquoi prendre du beta carotene?

Le bêta-carotène est un précurseur de la vitamine A, une vitamine très importante, à tout âge, notamment pour la santé des cellules et la vision. C’est aussi un puissant antioxydant, qui pourrait réduire le risque de cancer.

Où Trouve-t-on des Carotenoides?

Les Caroténoïdes sont une famille de pigments végétaux qui dérivent de deux précurseurs : Lycopène et Béta-Carotène. On les trouve en général dans les fruits et légumes pigmentés par une autre couleur que le vert, en général orangée, comme par exemple la tomate, la carotte, la pastèque, les fruits rouges…

What are the functions of carotene?

Fruits and vegetables rich in ß-carotene. Being an important flavonoid compound, beta-carotene has powerful antioxidant functions that help the body scavenge free radicals, and thereby limiting damage to cell membranes, DNA and protein structures in the tissues.

Is too much beta carotene bad for You?

Even low doses have been linked with an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, and death in these two groups of people. Excessive alcohol use combined with beta-carotene supplements may raise the risk of liver disease and cancer. In high doses, vitamin A, and presumably beta-carotene, can be toxic to the liver. Interactions.

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What is substance contains beta carotene?

For reference, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) food database gives the following details on beta carotene content: 100 grams of cooked carrots provides 8,279 micrograms (mcg) Trusted Source of beta carotene. 100 grams of cooked spinach without fat added provides about 6,103 mcg Trusted Source of beta carotene. 100 grams of boiled sweet potato contains 9,406 mcg Trusted Source of beta carotene.

What does beta carotene treat?

A natural pigment synthesized by plants, beta-carotene is used as an antioxidant, as an immunostimulant, and to prevent or treat cancer, AIDS, heart disease, and leukoplakia . Beta-carotene, along with alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin, can be converted to retinol and is classified as a provitamin A carotenoid.