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Quelle age a fluttershy?

Quelle âge à fluttershy?

3 ans et plus.

Qui est fluttershy?

Fluttershy est une pégase femelle et l’un des personnages principaux de My Little Pony : Les amies, c’est magique.

Qui fait la voix de Rainbow Dash?

Ashleigh BallMy Little Pony : Les amies, c’est magique
Anna CummerL’Étoile des vœux
Rainbow Dash/Doublé par

Qui est l’amoureux de Twilight Sparkle?

Twilight Sparkle vit avec Spike, son assistant bébé dragon.

Qui fait la voix de Twilight Sparkle en français?

Également très active dans le doublage, elle est notamment la voix usuelle de l’actrice Olivia Holt, la voix du personnage de Twilight Sparkle dans My Little Pony, Zoé dans Pokémon Diamant et Perle, Temari et Shizune dans Naruto, Naruto Shippuden ainsi que Sarada Uchiwa dans Boruto ou encore de la princesse Elena …

Who is Fluttershy in my Little Pony Equestria?

Fluttershy ‘s human counterpart appears in the My Little Pony Equestria Girls franchise. She is a student at Canterlot High School, an animal rescue center volunteer, and tambourine player for the Rainbooms. Fluttershy in Equestria Girls. In My Little Pony Equestria Girls, Fluttershy first appears being bullied by Sunset Shimmer.

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Where does Fluttershy go in the fourth Equestria Girls movie?

In the fourth Equestria Girls film, Fluttershy goes with her friends and classmates to Camp Everfree, where she expresses a desire to go on a nature walk and interact with woodland animals. At Camp Everfree, she is paired with DJ Pon-3 in the Amethyst Tent.

Is Fluttershy a girl or boy?

Fluttershy is a female human, a student from Canterlot High School, and one of the main characters in My Little Pony Equestria Girls. She represents the element of kindness .

Is there a mini version of Fluttershy?

Miniature, articulated dolls of Fluttershy were released in Winter 2015 as part of the « Equestria Girls Minis » lineup. Fluttershy appears as a pony in Equestria on the fan-designed WeLoveFine art print « Girls in Equestria ». Like her pony counterpart, Fluttershy is typically very timid and soft-spoken.