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Comment decrire Casablanca?

Comment décrire Casablanca?

Casablanca signifie maison blanche en arabe, est une métropole, située sur l’Atlantique, fait partie de la région d’Anfa, l’une des plus grandes villes d’Afrique. Sa population est estimée à 4 millions d’habitants. Son origine remonte à l’époque préhistorique.

Quelles sont les spécificités de Casablanca?

C’est une ville de tous les superlatifs enfin, avec la plus grande mosquée du Royaume, la plus grande médiathèque, le plus grand mall commercial, le plus grand et plus ancien phare marin du pays, ou encore, l’ambition de construire la plus importante place financière du continent – Casablanca Finance City.

Comment se nomme les habitants de Casablanca?

Les habitants de Casablanca sont les Bédaouis (بيضاوي) en arabe et les Casablancais en français.

What does the name Casablanca mean?

Casablanca meaning. kăs’ə-blăng’kə, kä’sə-bläng’kə. (0) A city of northwest Morocco on the Atlantic Ocean south-southwest of Tangier. Founded by the Portuguese in the 1500s, it became a center of French influence in Africa after 1907. It is now Morocco’s largest city. 0. 0.

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What does Casablanca mean in English?

Definition of Casablanca in the English dictionary. The definition of Casablanca in the dictionary is a port in NW Morocco, on the Atlantic: largest city in the country; industrial centre.

What we must do in Casablanca?

Stay in a Lavish Hotel on the Beach. Situated right on the Atlantic ocean and offering stunning views of the sea,the Four Seasons Hotel Casablanca is the perfect

  • Visit the Hassan II Mosque. This massive,ostentatious mosque was built to commemorate the former king’s 60th birthday.
  • Have a Drink at Rick’s Cafe.
  • Stroll Along The Corniche.
  • What is Casablanca famous for?

    Casablanca came to prominence as one of the most important cities of the Berber Barghawata kingdom in the mid-8th century. In the 14th century, it was used as a key port by the Merinids; and in the 15th century it became known as a safe harbor for pirates . Casablanca came under Portuguese control shortly afterwards.

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