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Comment vivent les BTS?

Comment vivent les BTS?

Petite remarque : à partir de 2011, les membres de BTS vivent tous dans le même dortoir/ appartement à partir du moment où ils sont recrutés.

Où se trouve la maison de BTS?

L’endroit où est situé la maison se trouve à 10 minutes en voiture (à 2,5km) de Hannam The Hill, lieu où se situe notamment le dortoir des BTS. Selon des sources dans le monde de l’immobilier, la maison de Jungkook se situe à côté des ambassades de l’Inde et du Koweït.

Où habite Jeon Jungkook?

Jungkook/Lieux de résidence

Comment s’est formé BTS?

(l’armée BTS). Les Bangtan Boys sont nés en 2013 par la grâce du label Big Hit Entertainement et un système d’auditions et de casting bien huilé. Leur single No More Dream issu de leur premier album 2 Cool 4 Skool place sur eux la lumière médiatique.

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What is BTS’ religion?

Usually BTS has been known to stay quiet about religion, but here’s what I know from my hours spent on the boys. Jin: Doesn’t talk about religion, but I assume he is not religious. Yoongi: He went to an all boys school, which is most likely Catholic or Christian, according to a source.

Which BTS members are non-Reli?

Suga or Min Yoon Gi, many folks believe that he is a Christian, but in other hands, he once said that he has no religion. 4. J-Hope or Jung Ho Seok, he also has no religion like other members. 5. Jimin or Park Ji Min, non-religious. 6. V or Kim Tae Hyung, non-religious. 7. Jungkook or Jeon Jeong-guk, non-reli 1.

Does BTS Jungkook believe in God?

Also Jungkook has sang a song called Purpose by Justin Bieber (it is about being a Christian). They consider themselves non-religious meaning they don’t practice the religion. They don’t go to church, read the Bible, and other stuff like that. They might pray here and there. Yah never know. So we do not know if they believe in a god.

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Is BTS Namjoon a Christian?

Yoongi: He went to an all boys school, which is most likely Catholic or Christian, according to a source. Namjoon: He has said himself he is atheist, so of course he is not religious. Hoseok: Again, not a lot of the members talk about being religious, so I think not. Jimin: Yet again. See previous answer above. Taehyung: He is probably Christian.
