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Quel est le nom du bateau de Vasco de Gama?

Quel est le nom du bateau de Vasco de Gama?

Vasco de Gama quitte Lisbonne le 8 juillet 1497, avec une flotte de quatre vaisseaux – deux trois-mâts d’environ 120 tonneaux chacun, le São Gabriel et le São Rafael ; une caravelle de 50 tonneaux, le Berrio, et un navire de charge de 200 tonneaux.

Quel terre a découvert Vasco de Gama?

En 1498, six ans après la découverte de l’Amérique par Christophe Colomb, Vasco de Gama fut le premier Européen à trouver la route de l’Inde en contournant l’Afrique. Il put ainsi fonder le premier comptoir portugais en Asie.

What did Vasco da Gama do?

Vasco da Gama, (c.1469 – 1524) was a Portuguese explorer, one of the most successful in the European Age of Discovery and the commander of the first ships to sail directly from Europe to India. (Credit: National Maritime Museum) Introduction. Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer who sailed to India from Europe.

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How was the vessel named after Vasco da Gama identified?

The vessel was identified through such artifacts as a « Portuguese coin minted for trade with India (one of only two coins of this type known to exist) and stone cannonballs engraved with what appear to be the initials of Vincente Sodré, da Gama’s maternal uncle and the commander of the Esmeralda . » ^ Wells, John C. (2008).

Who is the father of Francisco da Gama?

Dom Francisco da Gama, 4th Count of Vidigueira, the viceroy (1597–1600) and governor (1622–1628) of India, son of Vasco (3rd Count) and great-grandson of Vasco da Gama. Vasco da Gama is one of the most famous and celebrated explorers from the Age of Discovery.

Why did Vasco da Gama have bad relations with the Muslims?

Vasco da Gama was known to be kind of brutal and arrogant. Some traits of his personality led to negative relations with the Muslims. On his first journey to India, he found out that India had already established trade with many different countries, such as Africa and China.

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